About the Author
My name is Dave Dovell, RN, and I write The New RN blog and am the author of “Brand New Nurse”. I currently work as a registered nurse on a progressive care unit and treat a wide variety of patients. I also have emergency medical experience including time as an EMT Crew Chief within a 911 system plus a few years in a busy city emergency room as a tech. Through my healthcare career, I have been fortunate to receive a Daisy Award, Star of the Month, the Guardian Angel award, and a CPR Save Commendation. When I’m not at the bedside, I serve as cochair for my hospital’s Transformational Leadership Council, chair of my unit’s Shared Governance, and member of the Code Blue Committee.
I have an extensive background outside of the medical field as well, ranging from teaching to management. I draw on my experiences each time I go to work to the benefit of my patients and colleagues. I encourage all nurses to do the same, as we all bring a unique perspective and set of skills to the profession.
My purpose in writing is to share some of the best stories, advice, and tips I have acquired over the years. Nursing is a wonderful profession and it is both extremely challenging as well as rewarding. I believe nursing is the most important profession and, as such, I always enjoy teaching and supporting new nurses as they begin their careers.
My purpose in creating this blog is to share some of the best stories, advice, and tips I have acquired over the years. Nursing is a wonderful profession and it is both extremely challenging as well as rewarding. I hope I can make your next shift a little easier and you find value in my stories and advice.